Thanks for Installing MODX Revolution!

Thank you for installing MODX Revolution 2.0. This welcome page is provided to get you started.

I've installed, now what?

First off, you'll want to edit your home "Resource". Resources are pages in MODx. You can view it by clicking on the page in the left-hand tree called "Home".

This will load the Edit Resource page. From there, you can edit your first home page!

Edit Your Template

After that, you'll want to edit your Template. Templates are what they sound like - they "template" any page to whatever markup you want to wrap any of your pages. You can do so by clicking on the Elements tab in the left-hand tree, and then right-clicking on the "Templates" icon. From there, you'll see a menu - click on the Template that shows (1). You can then edit it and give it a name and some content.

I want to install some Extras. How do I do that?

Simple - go to System -> [Package Management]. From there, you can click "Download Extras", and a window will pop up with a tree of Categories of Extras you can choose from. Simply download as many as you wish, and then close the window. Then you can install them from the grid.

You can also download a sample site for MODx Revolution there, in the "Site Packages -> Demo Sites" category, titled "MODx Sample Site" (or MODxSS).

Things to keep in mind

The new UI presents users with a high degree of flexibility. You can right-click on most grids or trees for more options, and you can also drag most items in trees. For example, once you've created a few pages, feel free to drag them around to sort them.

Thank you!

Again, thank you for installing MODX Revolution.

Thanks! -The MODX Team

See Also
